COMMIT Add specs for Proc#parameters with both styles of anonymous restarg. COMMIT Add spec for Hash.each[_pair] yielding to |k,| args. COMMIT Float#round takes an optional arg =================================================================== +++ 20110117T132643 @@ 7652 @@ /var/lib/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8-pth-o3//ruby/test/net/http/test_connection.rb:20:in `test_connection_refused_in_request' --------------- +2715 tests, 1352378 assertions, 3 failures, 0 errors make: *** [test-all] Error 1 exit 2 failed(test-all) @@ 13898 @@ Hash#each - yields a [[key, value]] Array for each pair to a block expecting |*args| - yields the key and value of each pair to a block expecting |key, value| +- yields the key only to a block expecting |key,| - uses the same order as keys() and values() - returns an Enumerator if called on a non-empty hash without a block - returns an Enumerator if called on an empty hash without a block @@ 45078 @@ Hash#each - yields a [[key, value]] Array for each pair to a block expecting |*args| - yields the key and value of each pair to a block expecting |key, value| +- yields the key only to a block expecting |key,| - uses the same order as keys() and values() - returns an Enumerator if called on a non-empty hash without a block - returns an Enumerator if called on an empty hash without a block =================================================================== --- 20110116T132919 @@ 7652 @@ /var/lib/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8-pth-o3//ruby/test/net/http/test_connection.rb:20:in `test_connection_refused_in_request' --------------- -2715 tests, 1352382 assertions, 3 failures, 0 errors make: *** [test-all] Error 1 exit 2 failed(test-all)