COMMIT Array#shuffle: Fix wrong spec COMMIT Array#sort_by: remove alien specs that didn't apply to any version of Ruby COMMIT Add tests for mutative methods and empty frozen arrays. COMMIT Kernel#require_relative: basic specs =================================================================== +++ 20101205T231639Z @@ 20531 @@ - returns self when called on an Array emptied with #shift - returns an Enumerator if no block given, and the enumerator can modify the original array - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array +- raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array - keeps tainted status - keeps untrusted status @@ 20749 @@ - replaces all elements in the array with the filler if not given a index nor a length - replaces all elements with the value of block (index given to block) - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array +- raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array - raises an ArgumentError if 4 or more arguments are passed when no block given - raises an ArgumentError if no argument passed and no block given - raises an ArgumentError if 3 or more arguments are passed when a block given @@ 22177 @@ - properly handles recursive arrays - keeps taint status - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array +- raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array - keeps untrusted status Array#pop passed a number n as an argument @@ 22238 @@ - returns nil when called on an Array emptied with #shift - returns nil if no changes are made - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array +- raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array - returns an Enumerator if no block given /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.9.2//rubyspec/core/array/repeated_combination_spec.rb @@ 22346 @@ - returns nil when the array is empty - properly handles recursive arrays - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array +- raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array Array#shift passed a number n as an argument - removes and returns an array with the first n element of the array @@ 22446 @@ - returns an Enumerator if not given a block - completes when supplied a block that always returns the same result - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array +- raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array - returns the specified value when it would break in the given block - makes some modification even if finished sorting when it would break in the given block @@ 22558 @@ - returns nil if no changes are made to the array - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array when the array is modified - raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array when the array would not be modified +- doesn't yield to the block on a frozen array /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.9.2//rubyspec/core/array/unshift_spec.rb Array#unshift @@ 29764 @@ - rejects unknown argument types /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.9.2//rubyspec/core/kernel/require_relative_spec.rb +Kernel#require_relative - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness +- loads a path relative to the current file - loads a file defining many methods - raises a LoadError if the file does not exist - calls #to_str on non-String objects +- raises a TypeError if argument does not respond to #to_str - raises a TypeError if passed an object that has #to_s but not #to_str - raises a TypeError if #to_str does not return a String - calls #to_path on non-String objects - calls #to_str on non-String objects returned by #to_path +Kernel#require_relative (file extensions) - loads a .rb extensioned file when passed a non-extensioned path - loads a .rb extensioned file when a C-extension file of the same name is loaded - does not load a C-extension file if a .rb extensioned file is already loaded @@ 29784 @@ - loads a .rb extensioned file when a complex-extensioned C-extension file of the same name is loaded - does not load a C-extension file if a complex-extensioned .rb file is already loaded +Kernel#require_relative ($LOAD_FEATURES) - stores an absolute path - does not store the path if the load fails - does not load an absolute path that is already stored - adds the suffix of the resolved filename +- loads a path for a file already loaded with a relative path /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.9.2//rubyspec/core/kernel/require_spec.rb Kernel#require @@ 39755 @@ - creates a date with arguments - doesn't create dates for invalid arguments - creats a Date for different calendar reform dates +- doesn't blow up (illegal instruction and segfault, respectively) when fed huge numbers Date#valid_civil? - should be able to determine if a date is valid @@ 48011 @@ Finished in seconds +3286 files, 15443 examples, expectations, 2 failures, 0 errors exit 1 failed(rubyspec) == end #