COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add mspec -t x19 to run Rubinius in 1.9 mode COMMIT [Brian Ford] Show Rake tasks without RSpec installed (patch regularfry). Fixes #4. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed specs for -x19 support. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed OpenStruct specs for #[], #[]=. COMMIT [Dirkjan Bussink] Add spec for module included into singleton ancestor chain COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] A little spec cleanup COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add specs for 1.8 vs 1.9 Array casting rules COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Cleanup, shift, and generally cleanup specs COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Move catch specs into core/kernel/catch COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Cleanup class specs and mark spec as not_compliant_on :rubinius COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add spec for when method_missing is invoked COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Rename and cleanup the singleton classspec COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed catch spec to use identical String value. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed version guard for DateTime#second spec. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Cleaned up constant spec. =================================================================== +++ 20110713T231122Z @@ 10773 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7//rubyspec/core/class/dup_spec.rb Class#dup - duplicates both the class and the singleton class +- retains an included module in the ancestor chain for the singleton class - retains the correct ancestor chain for the singleton class - sets the name from the class to "" if not assigned to a constant - stores the new name if assigned to a constant @@ 15464 @@ - executes its block - returns the last expression evaluated if throw was not called - throws the given name and is caught by matching catch block +- allows a String to be used for the label - matches strings as symbols - matches strings with strings that contain the same characters - requires a block - can be used even in a method different from where throw is called - can be nested - supports nesting with the same name +- raises TypeError if the argument is not a Symbol or String - raises ArgumentError if called without argument - raises LocalJumpError if no block is given @@ 27014 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7//rubyspec/core/class/dup_spec.rb Class#dup - duplicates both the class and the singleton class +- retains an included module in the ancestor chain for the singleton class - retains the correct ancestor chain for the singleton class - sets the name from the class to "" if not assigned to a constant - stores the new name if assigned to a constant @@ 37314 @@ - executes its block - returns the last expression evaluated if throw was not called - throws the given name and is caught by matching catch block +- allows a String to be used for the label - matches strings as symbols - matches strings with strings that contain the same characters - requires a block - can be used even in a method different from where throw is called - can be nested - supports nesting with the same name +- raises TypeError if the argument is not a Symbol or String - raises ArgumentError if called without argument - raises LocalJumpError if no block is given @@ 51396 @@ - returns a value to the block scope invoking the lambda in a method - raises a LocalJumpError when yielding to a lambda passed as a block argument +Break inside a while loop +- stops a while loop when run +- causes a call with a block to return when run +Break inside a while loop with a value +- exits the loop and returns the value +Break inside a while loop with a splat +- exits the loop and makes the splat an Array +- unwraps the value if there is only one value +- makes the value nil if the splat is empty Executing break from within a block - returns from the original invoking method even in case of chained calls @@ 51569 @@ - searches Object if a toplevel qualifier (::X) is given - does not search the singleton class of the class or module - returns the updated value when a constant is reassigned +- evaluates the right hand side before evaluating a constant path Constant resolution within methods - raises a NameError if no constant is defined in the search path @@ 53027 @@ - with multiple *args and unwraps the last splat - with a *args and multiple rhs args +Invoking a method when the method is not available +- invokes method_missing Invoking a private setter method permits self as a receiver - for normal assignment @@ 53056 @@ Finished in seconds 1 file, 40 examples, expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors +== rubyspec/language/singleton_class_spec.rb #