OlderDiff < 20110708T235950Z < ThisDiff > 20110710T235923Z > NewerDiff
COMMIT [Marc-Andre Lafortune] Vector#normalize: Specs for new 1.9.3 feature COMMIT [Charles Oliver Nutter] Clean up and expand slightly spec for Kernel#system using "sh" when shell characters are present. =================================================================== +++ 20110710T235923Z @@ 16998 @@ - returns false when command execution fails - returns false when the command has a non-zero exit status - does not write to stderr when it can't find a command +- executes with `sh` if the command contains shell characters +- ignores SHELL env var and always uses `sh` - is a private method - expands shell variables when given a single string argument - does not expand shell variables when given multiples arguments @@ 39562 @@ - returns false when command execution fails - returns false when the command has a non-zero exit status - does not write to stderr when it can't find a command +- executes with `sh` if the command contains shell characters +- ignores SHELL env var and always uses `sh` - is a private method - expands shell variables when given a single string argument - does not expand shell variables when given multiples arguments @@ 44042 @@ <n>) An exception occurred during: Mock.verify_count Process.setrlimit and Process.getrlimit coerces arguments to Integers FAILED +Mock '#<MockIntObject:0x<address> @calls=0, @value=4>' expected to receive 'to_int' at least 1 times but received it 0 times /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/expectations/expectations.rb:15:in `fail_with' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/mocks/mock.rb:110:in `verify_count' @@ 57614 @@ <n>) ConditionVariable#broadcast releases all threads waiting in line for this resource ERROR +ThreadError: Thread#join: deadlock 0x7fbda982b360 - mutual join(0x7fbda8514628) /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `join' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `each' @@ 64767 @@ Finished in <t> seconds 1 file, 1 example, <num> expectation, 0 failures, 0 errors +== rubyspec/library/matrix/vector/normalize_spec.rb # <time> ++ bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/library/matrix/vector/normalize_spec.rb ruby <version> +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/matrix/vector/normalize_spec.rb Finished in <t> seconds =================================================================== --- 20110708T235950Z @@ 16998 @@ - returns false when command execution fails - returns false when the command has a non-zero exit status - does not write to stderr when it can't find a command -- uses /bin/sh if freaky shit is in the command - is a private method - expands shell variables when given a single string argument - does not expand shell variables when given multiples arguments @@ 39561 @@ - returns false when command execution fails - returns false when the command has a non-zero exit status - does not write to stderr when it can't find a command -- uses /bin/sh if freaky shit is in the command - is a private method - expands shell variables when given a single string argument - does not expand shell variables when given multiples arguments @@ 44040 @@ <n>) An exception occurred during: Mock.verify_count Process.setrlimit and Process.getrlimit coerces arguments to Integers FAILED -Mock '#<MockIntObject:0x<address> @calls=0, @value=18446744073709551615>' expected to receive 'to_int' at least 1 times but received it 0 times /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/expectations/expectations.rb:15:in `fail_with' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/mocks/mock.rb:110:in `verify_count' @@ 57612 @@ <n>) ConditionVariable#broadcast releases all threads waiting in line for this resource ERROR -ThreadError: Thread#join: deadlock 0x7f8db5ee2358 - mutual join(0x7f8db4bcb620) /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `join' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `each'
OlderDiff < 20110708T235950Z < ThisDiff > 20110710T235923Z > NewerDiff