OlderDiff < 20110620T011835Z < ThisDiff > 20110621T001812Z > NewerDiff
COMMIT [NARUSE, Yui] 1.9's BigDecimal's precision depends SIZEOF_BDIGITS. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Pull in Thread specs that changed on hydra branch. COMMIT [Dirkjan Bussink] Add spec for constant name setting behavior for Class#dup COMMIT [Chris Bunch] added rubyspec test case to ensure that we test for string ports in the future COMMIT [Dirkjan Bussink] Add case for instance_methods when fiddling with public / private COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add additional spec for Enumerable#cycle COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Cleanup Kernel, part deux COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Some Process spec cleanup and coerce tests added COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Increase the tolerance of an IO.select spec COMMIT [Brian Ford] Some cleanup for File.directory? specs. COMMIT [jc00ke] Added specs for File.directory? with non-strings. COMMIT [Brian Ford] More fixes for File|FileTest.directory? and File::Stat#directory? specs. COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add a spec for Object.const_defined? + included Modules COMMIT [Gibheer] tests for DateTime#hour, #min, #minute, #sec, #second COMMIT [Gibheer] use different values, so that it won't be confused with the expected value COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add dummy P rules for pack/unpack COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Handle reopening a module that was included into Object. Fixes #883 COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add spec for Time.at and subclasses COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add more Time specs to clarify where subclasses are honored COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Remove rubinius devation spec COMMIT [Gibheer] added a new spec for Array#sort to catch block returning nil COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add specs for special operator's symbol values COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed special symbol specs for 1.9. COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add spec for %s with space leader and width COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add specs for -s COMMIT [Brian Ford] More C-API specs for rb_num2long and rb_num2ulong. COMMIT [Dirkjan Bussink] Add specs for rb_check_to_integer COMMIT [Victor Costan] New examples for IO.ioctl COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Don't depend on TTY ioctls for testing COMMIT [Victor Costan] Another test for IO.ioctl that verifies String buffer handling. COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Fix up specs for Thread.new, .start, and .fork COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Fix some naming to be clearer COMMIT [Wim Looman] Added spec for #1005 COMMIT [Maximilian Lupke] Add spec for issue #988 COMMIT [Maximilian Lupke] Oops, typo in spec COMMIT [Maximilian Lupke] Make CGI specs pass COMMIT [Brian Ford] Clean up whitespace. COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Add a few more weird []= splat specs COMMIT [Evan Phoenix] Clean up language/method_spec.rb COMMIT [Flavio Castelli] Add spec for File.owned? and fix a bug COMMIT [Flavio Castelli] Add spec for File.pipe? COMMIT [Flavio Castelli] Add spec for File.socket? COMMIT [Flavio Castelli] Add spec for File.sticky? COMMIT [Flavio Castelli] Add spec for File::Stat.owned? COMMIT [Flavio Castelli] Add spec for File::Spec.pipe? COMMIT [burningTyger] added spec for IO#each COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed Method#parameters fixture for 1.9. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Apply Evan's cleanup patch from rbx b358be04. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed incorrect placement of describe end in db922f3d. COMMIT [Brian Ford] Fixed Class#dup name spec. =================================================================== +++ 20110621T001812Z @@ 7433 @@ The -r command line option - requires the specified file +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/command_line/dash_s_spec.rb +The -s command line option when using -- to stop parsing +- sets the value to true without an explicit value +- parses single letter args into globals +- parses long args into globals +- converts extra dashes into underscorse +The -s command line option when running a script +- sets the value to true without an explicit value +- parses single letter args into globals +- parses long args into globals +- converts extra dashes into underscorse /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/command_line/dash_upper_i_spec.rb The -I command line option @@ 10021 @@ - behaves like with count == 0 with star parameter - doesn't increment the array index count +Array#pack with format 'P' +- returns a String who's size is equal to the number of bytes in a machine word String#unpack with 'w' directive - produces a BER-compressed integer @@ 10294 @@ - uses #<=> of elements in order to sort - does not deal with exceptions raised by unimplemented or incorrect #<=> - may take a block which is used to determine the order of objects a and b described as -1, 0 or +1 +- raises an error when a given block returns nil - does not call #<=> on contained objects when invoked with a block - does not call #<=> on elements when invoked with a block even if Array is large (Rubinius #412) - completes when supplied a block that always returns the same result @@ 10748 @@ Class#dup - duplicates both the class and the singleton class - retains the correct ancestor chain for the singleton class +- sets the name from the class to "" if not assigned to a constant +- stores the new name if assigned to a constant /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/class/inherited_spec.rb Class.inherited @@ 11251 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/enumerable/cycle_spec.rb Enumerable#cycle - loops indefinitely if no argument or nil argument +- returns if there are no elements - yields successive elements of the array repeatedly Enumerable#cycle passed a number n as an argument @@ 12185 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/directory_spec.rb File.directory? +- return true if the argument is a directory +- returns false if the argument is not a directory - raises a TypeError when passed an Integer - raises a TypeError when passed nil File.directory? +- returns false if the argument is an IO that's not a directory +- return true if the argument is an IO that is a directory +- calls #to_io to convert a non-IO object +- raises a TypeError when passed a Dir instance /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/dirname_spec.rb File.dirname @@ 12523 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/owned_spec.rb File.owned? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns true if the file exist and is owned by the user +- returns false when the file is not owned by the user /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/path_spec.rb File#path @@ 12533 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/pipe_spec.rb File.pipe? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns false if the file is not a pipe +- returns true if the file is a pipe /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/read_spec.rb File.read @@ 12613 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/socket_spec.rb File.socket? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns false if the file is not a socket +- returns true if the file is a socket /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/split_spec.rb File.split @@ 12672 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/directory_spec.rb File::Stat#directory? +- return true if the argument is a directory +- returns false if the argument is not a directory - raises a TypeError when passed an Integer - raises a TypeError when passed nil @@ 12744 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/owned_spec.rb File::Stat#owned? +- returns true if the file is owned by the user +- returns false if the file is not owned by the user /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/pipe_spec.rb File::Stat#pipe? +- returns false if the file is not a pipe +- returns true if the file is a pipe /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/rdev_major_spec.rb File::Stat#rdev_major @@ 12854 @@ - returns false if the file dies not exist File.sticky? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns false if the file has not sticky bit set +- returns true if the file has sticky bit set /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/symlink_spec.rb File.symlink @@ 12956 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/filetest/directory_spec.rb FileTest.directory? +- return true if the argument is a directory +- returns false if the argument is not a directory - raises a TypeError when passed an Integer - raises a TypeError when passed nil FileTest.directory? +- returns false if the argument is an IO that's not a directory +- return true if the argument is an IO that is a directory +- calls #to_io to convert a non-IO object +- raises a TypeError when passed a Dir instance /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/filetest/executable_real_spec.rb FileTest.executable_real? @@ 14210 @@ - does not change $_ - returns self - raises an IOError when self is not readable +- makes line count accessible via lineno +- makes line count accessible via $. - returns an Enumerator when passed no block IO#each_line when passed a String containing one space as a separator @@ 14236 @@ - does not change $_ - returns self - raises an IOError when self is not readable +- makes line count accessible via lineno +- makes line count accessible via $. - returns an Enumerator when passed no block IO#each when passed a String containing one space as a separator @@ 14416 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/io/ioctl_spec.rb IO#ioctl - raises IOError on closed stream +- resizes an empty String to match the output size +- passes data from and to a String correctly +- raises an Errno error when ioctl fails /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/io/isatty_spec.rb IO#isatty @@ 16731 @@ - loads a array containing objects having _dump method, and with proc - loads an array containing objects having marshal_dump method, and with proc - loads an Array with proc +- assigns classes to nested subclasses of Array correctly - raises a TypeError with bad Marshal version - raises EOFError on loading an empty file - returns an untainted object if source is untainted @@ 17463 @@ - returns false if the constant is not defined in the receiver - does not call #const_missing if the constant is not defined in the receiver - calls #to_str to convert the given name to a String +- special cases Object and checks it's included Modules - raises a NameError if the name does not start with a capital letter - raises a NameError if the name starts with a non-alphabetic character - raises a NameError if the name contains non-alphabetic characters except '_' @@ 18485 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/getpgid_spec.rb Process.getpgid +- coerces the argument to an Integer - returns the process group ID for the given process id - returns the process group ID for the calling process id when passed 0 @@ 18495 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/getpriority_spec.rb Process.getpriority +- coerces arguments to Integers - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process group - gets the scheduling priority for a specified user @@ 18601 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb Process.setrlimit and Process.getrlimit +- coerces arguments to Integers (ERROR - <n>) +- coerces arguments to Integers (FAILED - <n>) - limit and get core size (bytes) - limit and get CPU time (seconds) - limit and get data segment (bytes) @@ 18819 @@ - sets $? to a Process::Status - waits for any child process if no pid is given - waits for a specific child if a pid is given +- coerces the pid to an Integer - waits for a child whose process group ID is that of the calling process - doesn't block if no child is available when WNOHANG is used - always accepts flags=0 @@ 19753 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/string/intern_spec.rb String#intern - returns the symbol corresponding to self +- special cases +(binary) and -(binary) +- special cases !@ and ~@ +- special cases !(unary) and ~(unary) +- special cases +(unary) and -(unary) - raises an ArgumentError when self can't be converted to symbol /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/string/length_spec.rb @@ 19880 @@ - calls inspect on arguments for %p format - taints result for %p when argument.inspect is tainted - supports string formats using %s +- respects a space padding request not as part of the width - calls to_s on non-String arguments for %s format - taints result for %s when argument is tainted - raises an ArgumentError for huge precisions for %s @@ 19996 @@ - always returns 3 elements - accepts regexp - raises error if not convertible to string +- takes precedence over a given block String#partition with a block - is still available @@ 20459 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/string/to_sym_spec.rb String#to_sym - returns the symbol corresponding to self +- special cases +(binary) and -(binary) +- special cases !@ and ~@ +- special cases !(unary) and ~(unary) +- special cases +(unary) and -(unary) - raises an ArgumentError when self can't be converted to symbol /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/string/tr_s_spec.rb @@ 21334 @@ String#unpack with 'w' directive - produces a BER-compressed integer +String#unpack with 'P' directive +- returns a random object after consume a words worth of byte /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/string/upcase_spec.rb String#upcase @@ 21703 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread +- return true for a killed but still running threadtimeout: output interval exceeds 300.0 seconds. timeout: the process group <pgid> is alive. timeout: INT signal sent. |output interval exceeds 300.0 seconds. (CommandTimeout) @@ 21813 @@ Finished in <t> seconds 1 file, 1 example, <num> expectation, 0 failures, 0 errors +== rubyspec/command_line/dash_s_spec.rb # <time> ++ bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/command_line/dash_s_spec.rb ruby <version> +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/command_line/dash_s_spec.rb +The -s command line option when using -- to stop parsing +- sets the value to true without an explicit value +- parses single letter args into globals +- parses long args into globals +- converts extra dashes into underscorse +The -s command line option when running a script +- sets the value to true without an explicit value +- parses single letter args into globals +- parses long args into globals +- converts extra dashes into underscorse Finished in <t> seconds @@ 25354 @@ - behaves like with count == 0 with star parameter - doesn't increment the array index count +Array#pack with format 'P' +- returns a String who's size is equal to the number of bytes in a machine word String#unpack with 'w' directive - produces a BER-compressed integer @@ 25363 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 545 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/core/array/partition_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/array/partition_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 25811 @@ - uses #<=> of elements in order to sort - does not deal with exceptions raised by unimplemented or incorrect #<=> - may take a block which is used to determine the order of objects a and b described as -1, 0 or +1 +- raises an error when a given block returns nil - does not call #<=> on contained objects when invoked with a block - does not call #<=> on elements when invoked with a block even if Array is large (Rubinius #412) - completes when supplied a block that always returns the same result @@ 25841 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 35 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/core/array/take_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/array/take_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 26959 @@ Class#dup - duplicates both the class and the singleton class - retains the correct ancestor chain for the singleton class +- sets the name from the class to "" if not assigned to a constant +- stores the new name if assigned to a constant Finished in <t> seconds @@ 28510 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/enumerable/cycle_spec.rb Enumerable#cycle - loops indefinitely if no argument or nil argument +- returns if there are no elements - yields successive elements of the array repeatedly Enumerable#cycle passed a number n as an argument @@ 30660 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/directory_spec.rb File.directory? +- return true if the argument is a directory +- returns false if the argument is not a directory - raises a TypeError when passed an Integer - raises a TypeError when passed nil File.directory? +- returns false if the argument is an IO that's not a directory +- return true if the argument is an IO that is a directory +- calls #to_io to convert a non-IO object +- raises a TypeError when passed a Dir instance Finished in <t> seconds @@ 31190 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/owned_spec.rb File.owned? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns true if the file exist and is owned by the user +- returns false when the file is not owned by the user Finished in <t> seconds @@ 31216 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/pipe_spec.rb File.pipe? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns false if the file is not a pipe +- returns true if the file is a pipe Finished in <t> seconds @@ 31392 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/socket_spec.rb File.socket? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns false if the file is not a socket +- returns true if the file is a socket Finished in <t> seconds @@ 31547 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/directory_spec.rb File::Stat#directory? +- return true if the argument is a directory +- returns false if the argument is not a directory - raises a TypeError when passed an Integer - raises a TypeError when passed nil @@ 31723 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/owned_spec.rb File::Stat#owned? +- returns true if the file is owned by the user +- returns false if the file is not owned by the user Finished in <t> seconds @@ 31736 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/pipe_spec.rb File::Stat#pipe? +- returns false if the file is not a pipe +- returns true if the file is a pipe Finished in <t> seconds @@ 31993 @@ - returns false if the file dies not exist File.sticky? +- returns false if file does not exist +- returns false if the file has not sticky bit set +- returns true if the file has sticky bit set Finished in <t> seconds @@ 32207 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/filetest/directory_spec.rb FileTest.directory? +- return true if the argument is a directory +- returns false if the argument is not a directory - raises a TypeError when passed an Integer - raises a TypeError when passed nil FileTest.directory? +- returns false if the argument is an IO that's not a directory +- return true if the argument is an IO that is a directory +- calls #to_io to convert a non-IO object +- raises a TypeError when passed a Dir instance Finished in <t> seconds @@ 35260 @@ - does not change $_ - returns self - raises an IOError when self is not readable +- makes line count accessible via lineno +- makes line count accessible via $. - returns an Enumerator when passed no block IO#each_line when passed a String containing one space as a separator @@ 35294 @@ - does not change $_ - returns self - raises an IOError when self is not readable +- makes line count accessible via lineno +- makes line count accessible via $. - returns an Enumerator when passed no block IO#each when passed a String containing one space as a separator @@ 35618 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/io/ioctl_spec.rb IO#ioctl - raises IOError on closed stream +- resizes an empty String to match the output size +- passes data from and to a String correctly (ERROR - <n>) +- raises an Errno error when ioctl fails <n>) +IO#ioctl passes data from and to a String correctly ERROR +NameError: uninitialized constant Socket +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/io/ioctl_spec.rb:20 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `protect' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/io/ioctl_spec.rb:6:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' @@ 35639 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:37:in `describe' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/object.rb:11:in `describe' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/io/ioctl_spec.rb:4 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `load' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `files' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' @@ 35656 @@ 1 file, 4 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 1 error exit 1 +failed(rubyspec/core/io/ioctl_spec.rb) == rubyspec/core/io/isatty_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/io/isatty_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 39423 @@ - loads a array containing objects having _dump method, and with proc - loads an array containing objects having marshal_dump method, and with proc - loads an Array with proc +- assigns classes to nested subclasses of Array correctly - raises a TypeError with bad Marshal version - raises EOFError on loading an empty file - returns an untainted object if source is untainted @@ 39529 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 93 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/core/marshal/restore_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/marshal/restore_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 40883 @@ - returns false if the constant is not defined in the receiver - does not call #const_missing if the constant is not defined in the receiver - calls #to_str to convert the given name to a String +- special cases Object and checks it's included Modules - raises a NameError if the name does not start with a capital letter - raises a NameError if the name starts with a non-alphabetic character - raises a NameError if the name contains non-alphabetic characters except '_' @@ 43201 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/getpgid_spec.rb Process.getpgid +- coerces the argument to an Integer - returns the process group ID for the given process id - returns the process group ID for the calling process id when passed 0 @@ 43227 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/getpriority_spec.rb Process.getpriority +- coerces arguments to Integers - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process group - gets the scheduling priority for a specified user @@ 43493 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb Process.setrlimit and Process.getrlimit +- coerces arguments to Integers (ERROR - <n>) +- coerces arguments to Integers (FAILED - <n>) - limit and get core size (bytes) - limit and get CPU time (seconds) - limit and get data segment (bytes) @@ 43508 @@ <n>) +Process.setrlimit and Process.getrlimit coerces arguments to Integers ERROR +RangeError: bignum too big to convert into `long' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb:7:in `setrlimit' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb:7 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `protect' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb:1:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' @@ 43524 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:37:in `describe' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/object.rb:11:in `describe' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb:3 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `load' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `files' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' @@ 43538 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/bin/mspec-run:8 <n>) +An exception occurred during: Mock.verify_count +Process.setrlimit and Process.getrlimit coerces arguments to Integers FAILED +Mock '#<MockIntObject:0x<address> @calls=0, @value=18446744073709551615>' expected to receive 'to_int' at least 1 times +but received it 0 times /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/expectations/expectations.rb:15:in `fail_with' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/mocks/mock.rb:110:in `verify_count' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/mocks/mock.rb:95:in `each' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/mocks/mock.rb:95:in `verify_count' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/mocks/mock.rb:93:in `each' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/mocks/mock.rb:93:in `verify_count' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:35:in `initialize' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `protect' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb:7:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:212:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:37:in `describe' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/object.rb:11:in `describe' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb:3 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `load' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `files' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' @@ 43576 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 11 examples, <num> expectations, 1 failure, 1 error exit 1 +failed(rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb) == rubyspec/core/process/setsid_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/process/setsid_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 44140 @@ - sets $? to a Process::Status - waits for any child process if no pid is given - waits for a specific child if a pid is given +- coerces the pid to an Integer - waits for a child whose process group ID is that of the calling process - doesn't block if no child is available when WNOHANG is used - always accepts flags=0 @@ 46186 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/string/intern_spec.rb String#intern - returns the symbol corresponding to self +- special cases +(binary) and -(binary) +- special cases !@ and ~@ +- special cases !(unary) and ~(unary) +- special cases +(unary) and -(unary) - raises an ArgumentError when self can't be converted to symbol @@ 46361 @@ - calls inspect on arguments for %p format - taints result for %p when argument.inspect is tainted - supports string formats using %s +- respects a space padding request not as part of the width - calls to_s on non-String arguments for %s format - taints result for %s when argument is tainted - raises an ArgumentError for huge precisions for %s @@ 46519 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 112 examples, <num> expectations, 3 failures, 0 errors exit 1 failed(rubyspec/core/string/modulo_spec.rb) == rubyspec/core/string/multiply_spec.rb # <time> @@ 46626 @@ - always returns 3 elements - accepts regexp - raises error if not convertible to string +- takes precedence over a given block String#partition with a block - is still available @@ 47305 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/string/to_sym_spec.rb String#to_sym - returns the symbol corresponding to self +- special cases +(binary) and -(binary) +- special cases !@ and ~@ +- special cases !(unary) and ~(unary) +- special cases +(unary) and -(unary) - raises an ArgumentError when self can't be converted to symbol @@ 48662 @@ String#unpack with 'w' directive - produces a BER-compressed integer +String#unpack with 'P' directive +- returns a random object after consume a words worth of byte Finished in <t> seconds @@ 49511 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread +- return true for a killed but still running threadtimeout: output interval exceeds 300.0 seconds. timeout: the process group <pgid> is alive. timeout: INT signal sent. |output interval exceeds 300.0 seconds. (CommandTimeout) @@ 49519 @@ | /home/chkbuild/timeoutcom.rb:117:in `popen' | /home/chkbuild/timeoutcom.rb:117:in `timeout_command' | /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/build.rb:1288:in `run' +| /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/ruby.rb:375 | /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/build.rb:509:in `catch_error' +| /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/ruby.rb:362 +| /home/chkbuild/util.rb:452:in `stable_find' +| /home/chkbuild/util.rb:416:in `stable_find' +| /home/chkbuild/util.rb:415:in `catch' +| /home/chkbuild/util.rb:415:in `stable_find' +| /home/chkbuild/util.rb:452:in `stable_find' +| /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/ruby.rb:356 +| /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/ruby.rb:355:in `each' +| /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/ruby.rb:355 | /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/build.rb:315:in `call' | /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/build.rb:315:in `do_build' | /home/chkbuild/chkbuild/build.rb:509:in `catch_error' @@ 49549 @@ | /home/chkbuild/sample/build-ruby:81 | /home/chkbuild/start-build:37:in `load' | /home/chkbuild/start-build:37 +failed(rubyspec/core/thread/alive_spec.rb CommandTimeout) +== rubyspec/core/thread/allocate_spec.rb # <time> ++ bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/thread/allocate_spec.rb ruby <version> +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/allocate_spec.rb +Thread.allocate - raises a TypeError @@ 49673 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/fork_spec.rb +Thread.fork Thread.start +- raises a ThreadError if not passed a block +- spawns a new Thread running the block +- respects Thread subclasses +- does not call #initialize Finished in <t> seconds @@ 49719 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread +- reports aborting on a killed thread (FAILED - <n>) <n>) +Thread#inspect reports aborting on a killed thread FAILED +Expected "nil" to include "aborting" /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/expectations/expectations.rb:15:in `fail_with' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/expectations/should.rb:8:in `should' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/inspect_spec.rb:44 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `protect' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/fixtures/classes.rb:118:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' @@ 49740 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:37:in `describe' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/object.rb:11:in `describe' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/inspect_spec.rb:4 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `load' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `files' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' @@ 49755 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 10 examples, <num> expectations, 1 failure, 0 errors exit 1 +failed(rubyspec/core/thread/inspect_spec.rb) == rubyspec/core/thread/join_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/thread/join_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 49866 @@ - can pass arguments to the thread block - raises an exception when not given a block - creates a subclass of thread calls super with a block in initialize +- calls #initialize and raises an error if super not used +- calls and respects #initialize for the block to use Finished in <t> seconds @@ 49912 @@ - raises a RuntimeError if no exception class is given - raises the given exception - raises the given exception with the given message +- is captured and raised by Thread#value Thread#raise on a running thread - raises a RuntimeError if no exception class is given @@ 49937 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/run_spec.rb Thread#run +- can interrupt Kernel#sleep - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread @@ 49971 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/start_spec.rb +Thread.start Thread.start +- raises a ThreadError if not passed a block +- spawns a new Thread running the block +- respects Thread subclasses +- does not call #initialize Finished in <t> seconds @@ 49996 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread +- reports aborting on a killed thread (ERROR - <n>) <n>) +Thread#status reports aborting on a killed thread ERROR +NoMethodError: undefined method `status' for nil:NilClass +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/status_spec.rb:44 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `protect' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/fixtures/classes.rb:118:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' @@ 50015 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:37:in `describe' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/object.rb:11:in `describe' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/status_spec.rb:4 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `load' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `files' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' @@ 50030 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 10 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 1 error exit 1 +failed(rubyspec/core/thread/status_spec.rb) == rubyspec/core/thread/stop_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/thread/stop_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 50052 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread +- reports aborting on a killed thread (ERROR - <n>) <n>) +Thread#stop? reports aborting on a killed thread ERROR +NoMethodError: undefined method `stop?' for nil:NilClass +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/stop_spec.rb:62 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `protect' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/fixtures/classes.rb:118:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' @@ 50071 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:37:in `describe' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/object.rb:11:in `describe' +/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/stop_spec.rb:24 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `load' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `files' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' @@ 50086 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 12 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 1 error exit 1 +failed(rubyspec/core/thread/stop_spec.rb) == rubyspec/core/thread/terminate_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/thread/terminate_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 50134 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/wakeup_spec.rb Thread#wakeup +- can interrupt Kernel#sleep - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread @@ 50243 @@ - creates a dup time object with the value given by time - is able to create a time object with a float - is able to create a time object with a microseconds +- returns a subclass instance on a Time subclass Finished in <t> seconds @@ 50598 @@ - raises TypeError on argument that can't be coerced into Float - raises TypeError on nil argument - tracks microseconds +- does not returns a subclass instance Finished in <t> seconds @@ 50696 @@ - increments the time by the specified amount as float numbers - accepts arguments that can be coerced into Float - raises TypeError on argument that can't be coerced into Float +- does not returns a subclass instance - raises TypeError on Time argument - raises TypeError on nil argument @@ 52400 @@ - with an empty expression is like calling with nil argument - with block as block argument is ok - with block argument converts the block to proc +- with an object uses 'to_proc' for coercion - fails with both lambda and block argument - with same names as existing variables is ok - with splat operator * and literal array unpacks params @@ 52412 @@ - allows to pass literal hashes without curly braces as the last parameter - allows to literal hashes without curly braces as the only parameter +Calling a method allows []= +- with *args in the [] expanded to individual arguments +- with multiple *args +- with multiple *args and unwraps the last splat +- with a *args and multiple rhs args Calling a private setter method permits self as a receiver - for normal assignment @@ 52447 @@ - raises a TypeError if the constant is a class - raises a TypeError if the constant is not a module - allows for reopening a module subclass +- reopens a module included into Object An anonymous module - returns an empty string for its name @@ 57153 @@ <n>) ConditionVariable#broadcast releases all threads waiting in line for this resource ERROR +ThreadError: Thread#join: deadlock 0x7f86403cf370 - mutual join(0x7f863f0b8610) /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `join' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `each' @@ 59574 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/hour_spec.rb DateTime#hour +- returns 0 if no argument is passed +- returns the hour given as argument +- adds 24 to negative hours +- returns the absolute value of a Rational +- raises an error for Float +- returns a fraction of a day +- raises an error, when the hour is smaller than -24 +- raises an error, when the hour is larger than 24 +- raises an error for hour fractions smaller than -24 +- adds 1 to day, when 24 hours given Finished in <t> seconds @@ 59649 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/min_spec.rb DateTime#min +- returns 0 if no argument is passed +- returns the minute passed as argument +- adds 60 to negative minutes +- returns the absolute value of a Rational +- raises an error for Float +- returns a fraction of an hour +- raises an error, when the minute is smaller than -60 +- raises an error, when the minute is greater or equal than 60 +- raises an error for minute fractions smaller than -60 +- takes a minute fraction near 60 Finished in <t> seconds @@ 59691 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/new_spec.rb DateTime.new +- sets all values to default if passed no arguments +- takes the first argument as year +- takes the second argument as month +- takes the third argument as day +- takes the forth argument as hour +- takes the fifth argument as minute +- takes the sixth argument as second +- takes the seventh argument as an offset +- takes the eigth argument as the date of calendar reform +- raises an error on invalid arguments Finished in <t> seconds @@ 59811 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/sec_spec.rb DateTime#sec +- returns 0 seconds if passed no arguments +- returns the seconds passed in the arguments +- adds 60 to negative values +- returns the absolute value of a Rational +- raises an error when second is given as a float +- displays the fraction of a minute +- raises an error, when the second is smaller than -60 +- raises an error, when the second is greater or equal than 60 +- raises an error for second fractions smaller than -60 +- takes a second fraction near 60 Finished in <t> seconds @@ 65486 @@ Net::HTTP.get when passed URI when passed path in version 1.1 mode - returns the response and the body for the passed path +- yields each read part of the body to the passed block when passed a block Finished in <t> seconds @@ 73102 @@ - binds to a host and a port - binds to localhost and a port with either IPv4 or IPv6 - binds to INADDR_ANY if the hostname is empty +- binds to INADDR_ANY if the hostname is empty and the port is a string - coerces port to string, then determines port from that number or service name - raises Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL when the adress is unknown - raises Errno::EADDRINUSE when address is already in use @@ 79631 @@ - converts a Float - converts a Bignum - converts a Fixnum +- converts -1 to an signed number +- converts a negative Bignum into an signed number +- raises a RangeError if the value is more than 64bits - calls #to_int to coerce the value CApiNumericSpecs rb_num2ulong @@ 79641 @@ - converts a Float - converts a Bignum - converts a Fixnum +- converts -1 to an unsigned number +- converts a negative Bignum into an unsigned number +- raises a RangeError if the value is more than 64bits - calls #to_int to coerce the value CApiNumericSpecs rb_Integer @@ 79682 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 35 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/optional/capi/object_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/optional/capi/object_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 79701 @@ - rb_check_array_type should try to coerce to array, otherwise return nil - rb_check_convert_type should try to coerce to a type, otherwise return nil - rb_check_string_type should try to coerce to a string, otherwise return nil +- rb_check_to_integer should try to coerce to an integer, otherwise return nil - rb_convert_type should try to coerce to a type, otherwise raise a TypeError - rb_inspect should return a string with the inspect representation - rb_class_of should return the class of a object @@ 79786 @@ Finished in <t> seconds +1 file, 59 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/optional/capi/proc_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/optional/capi/proc_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 80093 @@ - sets the value of a thread-local variable C-API Thread function rb_thread_wakeup +- can interrupt Kernel#sleep - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread =================================================================== --- 20110620T011835Z @@ 12165 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/directory_spec.rb File.directory? -- return true if dir is a directory, otherwise return false - raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument - raises a TypeError if not passed a String type @@ 12639 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/directory_spec.rb File::Stat#directory? -- return true if dir is a directory, otherwise return false - raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument - raises a TypeError if not passed a String type @@ 12918 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/filetest/directory_spec.rb FileTest.directory? -- return true if dir is a directory, otherwise return false - raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument - raises a TypeError if not passed a String type @@ 18393 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/daemon_spec.rb /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/detach_spec.rb -Process#detach - requires one argument - returns a thread - reaps the child process's status automatically @@ 18429 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/fork_spec.rb Process.fork -- is implemented - return nil for the child process - runs a block in a child process @@ 18445 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/getpriority_spec.rb Process.getpriority -- takes two arguments - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process group - gets the scheduling priority for a specified user @@ 18509 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/initgroups_spec.rb Process.initgroups -- requires two arguments - initializes the supplemental group access list /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/kill_spec.rb Process.kill -- requires at least two arguments - raises an ArgumentError for unknown signals - doesn't accept lowercase signal names -- doesn't tolerate leading or trailing spaces in signal names - accepts symbols as signal names - tests for the existence of a process without sending a signal - raises an EPERM if permission is denied @@ 18540 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setpgid_spec.rb Process.setpgid -- requires two arguments - sets the process group id of the specified process /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setpgrp_spec.rb Process.setpgrp and Process.getpgrp -- take no arguments - set and get the process group ID of the calling process Process.setpgrp and Process.getpgrp Process.setpgrp @@ 18553 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setpriority_spec.rb Process.setpriority -- takes three arguments - sets the scheduling priority for a specified process group /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb -Process.setrlimit -- requires at least two arguments Process.getrlimit - requires one argument @@ 21651 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/backtrace_spec.rb /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/critical_spec.rb @@ 21704 @@ - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/fork_spec.rb -Thread.fork - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/group_spec.rb @@ 21723 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/join_spec.rb Thread#join @@ 21818 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/run_spec.rb Thread#run -- is not queued - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread @@ 21828 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/set_trace_func_spec.rb /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/start_spec.rb -Thread.start - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/status_spec.rb @@ 21842 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/stop_spec.rb Thread.stop @@ 21859 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/terminate_spec.rb Thread#terminate @@ 21886 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/wakeup_spec.rb Thread#wakeup -- is not queued - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread @@ 23256 @@ - with an empty expression is like calling with nil argument - with block as block argument is ok - with block argument converts the block to proc -- with an object that responds to 'to_proc' as a block argument coerces it to a proc - fails with both lambda and block argument - with same names as existing variables is ok - with splat operator * and literal array unpacks params @@ 23265 @@ - with a space separating method name and parenthesis treats expression in parenthesis as first argument - with invalid argument count raises an ArgumentError - allows any number of args beyond required to method with a splat -- allows []= form with *args in the [] expanded to individual arguments - allows to pass literal hashes without curly braces as the last parameter - allows to literal hashes without curly braces as the only parameter @@ 25340 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/complex/angle_spec.rb Complex#angle -- returns the argument -- i.e., the angle from (1, 0) in the complex plane /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/complex/arg_spec.rb Complex#arg -- returns the argument -- i.e., the angle from (1, 0) in the complex plane /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/complex/coerce_spec.rb Complex#coerce @@ 25360 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/complex/conj_spec.rb Complex#conj -- returns the complex conjugate: conj a + bi = a - bi /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/complex/conjugate_spec.rb Complex#conjugate -- returns the complex conjugate: conj a + bi = a - bi /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/complex/denominator_spec.rb Complex#denominator @@ 27001 @@ - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/minute_spec.rb -DateTime#minute - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/new_offset_spec.rb @@ 27056 @@ - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/second_spec.rb -DateTime#second - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/strftime_spec.rb @@ 29548 @@ - returns the response for the specified host-path-combination /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb -Net::HTTP.get when passed URI -- yields each read part of the body to the passed block when passed a block (ERROR - <n>) Net::HTTP.get when passed URI when passed URI - returns the body of the specified uri @@ 30311 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/body_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse#body -- returns the read body -- returns the previously read body if called a second time /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/code_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse#code @@ 30324 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/entity_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse#entity -- returns the read body -- returns the previously read body if called a second time /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/error_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse#error! @@ 30365 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/read_body_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse#read_body when passed no arguments -- returns the read body -- returns the previously read body if called a second time Net::HTTPResponse#read_body when passed a buffer -- reads the body to the passed buffer -- returns the passed buffer -- raises an IOError if called a second time Net::HTTPResponse#read_body when passed a block -- reads the body and yields it to the passed block (in chunks) -- returns the ReadAdapter -- raises an IOError if called a second time Net::HTTPResponse#read_body when passed buffer and block -- rauses an ArgumentError /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/read_header_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse#read_header @@ 30387 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/read_new_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse.read_new -- creates a HTTPResponse object based on the response read from the passed socket /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/httpresponse/reading_body_spec.rb Net::HTTPResponse#reading_body when body_allowed is true @@ 30691 @@ - returns false if the port is invalid - returns false if the timeout value is invalid -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/each_spec.rb (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/instance_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/int_from_prime_division_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/integer/each_prime_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/integer/from_prime_division_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/integer/prime_division_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/integer/prime_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/new_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/next_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/prime_division_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/prime_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/prime/succ_spec.rb - (ERROR - <n>) /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/queue/append_spec.rb Queue#<< @@ 30774 @@ - automatically reduces the Rational Rational() passed Integer -- returns a new Rational number with 1 as the denominator (FAILED - <n>) Rational() passed Integer when Unify is defined - returns the passed Integer when Rational::Unify is defined @@ 30893 @@ - calls #** on the coerced Rational with the coerced Object Rational#** when passed Rational -- converts self to a Float and returns it raised to the passed argument (ERROR - <n>) -- returns NaN when self is negative and the passed argument is not 0 (ERROR - <n>) Rational#** when passed Float - returns self converted to Float and raised to the passed argument @@ 30923 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/rational/inspect_spec.rb Rational#inspect -- returns a reconstructable string representation of self (FAILED - <n>) /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/rational/minus_spec.rb Rational#- @@ 32460 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/socket/tcpserver/gets_spec.rb TCPServer#gets -- raises Errno::ENOTCONN on getstimeout: output interval exceeds 300.0 seconds. timeout: the process group <pgid> is alive. timeout: INT signal sent. |output interval exceeds 300.0 seconds. (CommandTimeout) @@ 36096 @@ Finished in <t> seconds -1 file, 544 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/core/array/partition_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/array/partition_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 41389 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/directory_spec.rb File.directory? -- return true if dir is a directory, otherwise return false - raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument - raises a TypeError if not passed a String type @@ 42263 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/file/stat/directory_spec.rb File::Stat#directory? -- return true if dir is a directory, otherwise return false - raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument - raises a TypeError if not passed a String type @@ 42918 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/filetest/directory_spec.rb FileTest.directory? -- return true if dir is a directory, otherwise return false - raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument - raises a TypeError if not passed a String type @@ 50194 @@ Finished in <t> seconds -1 file, 92 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/core/marshal/restore_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/core/marshal/restore_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 53779 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/detach_spec.rb -Process#detach - requires one argument - returns a thread - reaps the child process's status automatically @@ 53855 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/fork_spec.rb Process.fork -- is implemented - return nil for the child process - runs a block in a child process @@ 53895 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/getpriority_spec.rb Process.getpriority -- takes two arguments - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process - gets the scheduling priority for a specified process group - gets the scheduling priority for a specified user @@ 54055 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/initgroups_spec.rb Process.initgroups -- requires two arguments - initializes the supplemental group access list @@ 54068 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/kill_spec.rb Process.kill -- requires at least two arguments - raises an ArgumentError for unknown signals - doesn't accept lowercase signal names -- doesn't tolerate leading or trailing spaces in signal names - accepts symbols as signal names - tests for the existence of a process without sending a signal - raises an EPERM if permission is denied @@ 54126 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setpgid_spec.rb Process.setpgid -- requires two arguments - sets the process group id of the specified process @@ 54139 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setpgrp_spec.rb Process.setpgrp and Process.getpgrp -- take no arguments - set and get the process group ID of the calling process Process.setpgrp and Process.getpgrp Process.setpgrp @@ 54155 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setpriority_spec.rb Process.setpriority -- takes three arguments - sets the scheduling priority for a specified process group @@ 54167 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/process/setrlimit_spec.rb -Process.setrlimit -- requires at least two arguments Process.getrlimit - requires one argument @@ 57124 @@ Finished in <t> seconds -1 file, 111 examples, <num> expectations, 3 failures, 0 errors exit 1 failed(rubyspec/core/string/modulo_spec.rb) == rubyspec/core/string/multiply_spec.rb # <time> @@ 60108 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread Finished in <t> seconds @@ 60225 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/fork_spec.rb -Thread.fork - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness @@ 60268 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread Finished in <t> seconds @@ 60451 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/run_spec.rb Thread#run -- is not queued - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread @@ 60485 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/start_spec.rb -Thread.start - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness @@ 60507 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread Finished in <t> seconds @@ 60532 @@ - describes a thread with an uncaught exception - describes a dying running thread - describes a dying sleeping thread -- reports aborting on a killed thread Finished in <t> seconds @@ 60583 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/core/thread/wakeup_spec.rb Thread#wakeup -- is not queued - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread @@ 62841 @@ - with an empty expression is like calling with nil argument - with block as block argument is ok - with block argument converts the block to proc -- with an object that responds to 'to_proc' as a block argument coerces it to a proc - fails with both lambda and block argument - with same names as existing variables is ok - with splat operator * and literal array unpacks params @@ 62850 @@ - with a space separating method name and parenthesis treats expression in parenthesis as first argument - with invalid argument count raises an ArgumentError - allows any number of args beyond required to method with a splat -- allows []= form with *args in the [] expanded to individual arguments - allows to pass literal hashes without curly braces as the last parameter - allows to literal hashes without curly braces as the only parameter @@ 67588 @@ <n>) ConditionVariable#broadcast releases all threads waiting in line for this resource ERROR -ThreadError: Thread#join: deadlock 0x7f2d7c1f8370 - mutual join(0x7f2d7aee1610) /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `join' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/conditionvariable/broadcast_spec.rb:55:in `each' @@ 70086 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/minute_spec.rb -DateTime#minute - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness @@ 70245 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/datetime/second_spec.rb -DateTime#second - needs to be reviewed for spec completeness @@ 75883 @@ ruby <version> /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb -Net::HTTP.get when passed URI -- yields each read part of the body to the passed block when passed a block (ERROR - <n>) Net::HTTP.get when passed URI when passed URI - returns the body of the specified uri @@ 75897 @@ <n>) -Net::HTTP.get when passed URI yields each read part of the body to the passed block when passed a block ERROR -NoMethodError: undefined method `get' for nil:NilClass -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb:48 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `protect' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb:3:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `each' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `all?' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:179:in `protect' @@ 75912 @@ /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/context.rb:199:in `process' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:37:in `describe' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/object.rb:11:in `describe' -/home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb:5 /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `load' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:56:in `files' /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/mspec/lib/mspec/runner/mspec.rb:68:in `instance_eval' @@ 75929 @@ 1 file, 4 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 1 error exit 1 -failed(rubyspec/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb) == rubyspec/library/net/http/http/head2_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/library/net/http/http/head2_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 90216 @@ Finished in <t> seconds -1 file, 58 examples, <num> expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors == rubyspec/optional/capi/proc_spec.rb # <time> + bin/ruby mspec/bin/mspec -V -f s -B /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/rubyspec/ruby.1.8.mspec -t /home/chkbuild/tmp/build/ruby-1.8.7-pth/<buildtime>/bin/ruby rubyspec/optional/capi/proc_spec.rb ruby <version> @@ 90523 @@ - sets the value of a thread-local variable C-API Thread function rb_thread_wakeup -- is not queued - does not result in a deadlock - raises a ThreadError when trying to wake up a dead thread
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